Current Project

American Red Cross
Blood Drive & Hillside SPCA Donation Collection


WHEN: Saturday, November 28th, 2020 | 11AM - 4PM

LOCATION: THE FOURSQUARE gospel church (2300 Mahantongo st. Pottsville, pa)


Who can donate?

Individuals 17 and older (16 with parental permission in some states), meet weight and height requirements (110lb or more) and are generally in good health may be eligible. Show your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of photo ID when you come to donate. Your medical history and donor eligibility will be evaluated by Red Cross staff at the blood drive.

Can I give blood if I have traveled outside the US?

Most travel isn't a reason for deferral. However, there are SOME areas of the world that are at an increased risk for certain diseases. Visit, call 1-800-RED-CROSS or ask the Red Cross Staff for more information about specific destinations.

Can I get a disease from donating?

There is no known way of contracting any infectious disease by donating blood. All equipment used is sterile, used once and then discarded.

How long does it take?

When appts are made in advance, the entire process takes about an hour. The actual donation takes 8-10 minutes. Time is needed for registration, a mini-physical, health history interview and refreshments following your donation.

How much blood is taken?

For blood donations, a little less than a pint of blood is drawn. Your body will replace the fluid loss in about 24hrs. Red blood cell replacement will begin immediately, but will take 4-6 weeks for completion.

How will I feel after donating?

Most people feel just fine. Eating a balanced meal and drinking plenty of fluids before your donation, thinking positively about your donation and knowing what to expect all help. Regular activity can be resumed following the donation, although you should avoid heavy lifting for the remainder of the day.

Please visit or call 1-800-RED-CROSS if you have further questions.



We are also collecting donations for Hillside SPCA during the blood drive.

Drop donations off to Foursquare Gospel Church at 2300 Mahantongo St, Pottsville between 11am-4pm!

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